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Nottingham Coach Visits Castle Donington Rugby Club

Published: 17th August 2009 23:37

Last Thursday night heralded yet another new chapter in the history of Castle Donington Rugby Club as the newly created link between Castle Donington Rugby Club and Nottingham Rugby was cemented by the visit of John Widdowson, Academy Manager at Nottingham Rugby.

Signing ceremony between Dave Price (Head Coach CDRUFC), Derek Wiggins (President CDRUFC), John Widdowson (Community, Education Development & Academy Manager, Nottingham Rugby)Signing ceremony between Dave Price (Head
Coach CDRUFC), Derek Wiggins (President
CDRUFC), John Widdowson (Community,
Education Development & Academy Manager,
Nottingham Rugby)
John took over the coaching reins for the evening and put the players through their paces in an exciting and enjoyable training session. The players responded well to the change of coach and did their utmost to meet the challenges being set for them.

Castle Donington Head Coach, Dave Price said:

‘This has been fantastic for all of us. The players have had input from a top coach and have heard a different voice for a change. I have had the opportunity to observe another coach at work without having to forego one of my own sessions and it also enabled me to give one on one input to players without compromising the session.  The players were all buzzing afterwards and are really looking forward to John's follow up visit later in the season'.

The opportunity for this to happen arose out of the Community Club Links Scheme currently being promoted by Nottingham Rugby.  The idea of the scheme is to foster links between Nottingham Rugby and the remainder of the clubs within the Notts/Lincs & Derby area.

Nottingham Rugby are expressing their desire to be more than just the senior club in the 3 Counties, they want to establish themselves as a ‘pinnacle' club and are prepared to take on the responsibilities that come with that moniker. That means creating real links with the junior clubs that will allow those junior clubs to feel a part of, and to share an identity with, Nottingham Rugby.

Dave Price was quite clear that this is a worthwhile endeavour:

‘As far as Castle Donington Rugby Club is concerned this is a no brainer. The benefits we have already received from Nottingham Rugby have made this worthwhile for us. We feel a bit like little kids about to get caught with our hand in the sweetie jar, we're looking over our shoulders and wondering if this is really happening.  It's unbelievable that Nottingham Rugby are prepared to offer so much to a club in our position.

'I would heartily recommend that other clubs throughout the NLD area sign up to this scheme and reap the benefits from it; this can only be good for Rugby in the area.'

The link between the two clubs was formally endorsed with a signing ceremony prior to Nottingham's game with Leicester Tigers, at Meadow Lane on Saturday, with Castle Donington Rugby Club's President, Derek Wiggins, doing the honours on behalf of the club.

Castle Donington took in excess of 30 people to watch the subsequent game which saw a strong Leicester Tigers side overcome the hosts by 47 points to 5, in an open and enjoyable game for the large crowd. The commitment and endeavour shown by Nottingham in their attempt to play free flowing, attacking rugby should ensure that all those present from Castle Donington Rugby Club will be back again, at some point during the season, to watch them again.

Castle Donington Rugby Club and Nottingham Rugby ClubCharlie Hayter (Nottingham Rugby), Dave Price (Head Coach CDRUFC), Sasha Price, Derek Wiggins (President CDRUFC), John Widdowson (Community, Education Development & Academy Manager, Nottingham Rugby), Rohaan Nirmalendran (Nottingham Rugby)
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