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An Interview With The Calling Card

Published: 20th January 2012 16:28

Can you tell us a little bit about the formation of The Calling Card?

Benj - I was originally just playing acoustic shows with Ceri Collins (The Nothing) and then we both decided to do full bands. I got in Hobnob from and old band i used to go and watch then after a year or so we finally came up with the lineup we have today

Steve - I joined the calling card early last year, Before joining there have been a few different member's
that have decided to do different things and project's but as we are now as a whole I wouldn't
change it for anything.

As a musician, when was it that you decided that this is what you wanted to do with your life?

The Calling CardThe Calling Card

Benj - From childhood. My Mum was always really into Bowie so was always playing music in the house growing up. Then getting into bands when your a kid like Oasis and realising yeah this is definitely for me!

Steve - I always listened to rock music for as long as I can remember, my parents were into classic rock,
Aerosmith, Bon Jovi Guns 'N' Roses etc, And listening to riff's like welcome to the jungle always
made me want to play a guitar. So one day my parents bought me a guitar as an easter present and I
never put it down, so I guess it was like a childhood dream that made me want to do this or when I
listened to the album appetite for destruction.

So how did you guys get to the band title The Calling Card?

Benj - From the film Batman begins. I'm a huge geek what can i say!

For unfamiliar readers, can you tell them what you sound like?

Benj - Because we all have such a varied music taste we don't sound exactly like anyone. If you had to pigeon hole us I guess it's a mix of bands like Biffy, Lower Than Atlantis and Feeder. classic sounding songs with big in your face guitars.

What band have you enjoyed touring/playing live with the most since your formation and why?

Steve - The Dolts, purely for the fact the gig venue was empty but they went for it in some fine
style and were a cool bunch of guys to hang out with.

Benj - Probably Alkaline Trio. They are such a well respected band so to be asked to support them was a big honer. Playing with Zebrahead was great as well as they all stuck around through our set was were really supportive of us afterwards.

As an upcoming band, what makes you stand out above the rest?

Benj - Because we mean it more than most bands. We will never play a show where we play half hearted. Even though we don't sound like them we are influenced by bands like gallows and letlive that really get into every show and don't leave an inch of the venue untouched. In a song like "Liars, Fakers, Frauds and Thieves" When I sing the words "We don't need your cliques, being Brutal, scene or hip or cool or Sic" we mean every word.

Steve - I think we stand out from other band's as we have a broad variety of songs, each different to the next,
but we have a distinct sound about us that keeps our music fresh and enjoyable.

You guys are currently working on new material right? Can you tell us a bit about how that is going?

Steve - Yeah it's going great. We have a fair few new song's slightly different to our older stuff but still
The Calling Card. Some song's packing a bit of a punch and some good enough for a
Bit of a sing-along so I guess it would be best to buy the album on release and tell us how you feel about
the new material.

Benj - There will definitely be some surprise on the album that's for sure. Maybe the odd guest as well.

How would you say it compares to your previous material?

Steve - It's hard to say really because, we have kept our sound and style but also we have changed a lot as well. It's a lot crisper and versatile to the old album but we have kept a certain style about it to keep it

Benj - Maybe I'm biased because I wrote the songs but to me there is no filler on the album. every song was written with the intention of it being a single. yet the whole album will work as an album as well.

What is the most challenging part about putting together a new song?

Benj - Well I usually write the song on an acoustic guitar then take it to the band to see what they think of it, then if they are into it we rework it and get it to work within our sounds. Everyone is so comfortable with each other now that we know what will work within each song without trying to force it.

Steve -Keeping Hob in time! Ha Ha, no I think the hardest part overall is the initial structure of the song
and putting all the instruments together in time. Although timing is an element at the start of any song with any band, correcting sounds and tones of the guitars/ bass etc is the hardest part.

What do you want 2012 to do for the status of The Calling Card?

Steve - Overall in 2012 I would like to have more fans more tour opportunities and potentially being signed to a label. but in saying that I think I speak for all up and coming bands.

Benj - I just want us to get this album out and for people to realise that we are the real deal. Far too many bands sound identical right now. We want people to listen to us and collectively say "now that's what we have been waiting for!"

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