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Sign petition now to save forests

Published: 14th February 2011 12:30

Campaign group 38 Degrees are urging people to continue to sign their online petition against the proposed Government sell-off of national forests.

Recently the Government announced that they will pause forest sell-offs for a few months, but campaigners believe forests are still in danger. A spokesman said: "If we keep working together, we can save our forests forever - not just for a few months.

Save Our Forests"The Government is still going full steam ahead with changing the law to clear the way for a 100% sell-off. It looks like they hope the fuss will die down if they pause a few sales here and there - so they can press on with quietly scrapping legal protection for our public woodlands.

"Picture yourself in the last forest you visited. Remember how you felt, what you saw, how peaceful it was. Now imagine hearing that this beautiful place has been auctioned off. We just can't let it happen!

"By working together, bit by bit, we are protecting our woodlands for future generations. Since 38 Degrees members voted to launch this campaign, we've spread the word, emailed our MPs, and chipped in to pay for opinion polls and adverts. It's starting to work but we also need to keep the pressure building."

Over half a million people have signed the petition so far. If you would like to add your support, visit the website here: www.38degrees.org.uk/save-our-forests.


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