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Cyberbullying - After School Special Webchat

Published: 11th September 2013 09:20
Are you being bullied online? Do you know someone who is?

Join the webchat for an after school special to ask the experts what you can do if you or a friend is being targeted online.

young girl in distress at a computer screenOn Tuesday 17 September, the police will be hosting a cyberbullying and e-safety training day at police headquarters for officers and staff, followed by a webchat for the public.

Cyberbullying (noun)
the act of harassing someone online by sending or posting mean messages, usually anonymously.

In light of recent tragedies in other parts of the UK, Avon & Somerset police are making sure that their staff and officers can make the right decisions when responding to reports of cyberbullying.

Officers from your neighbourhood teams, school liaison officers, criminal investigators and police staff will be in attendance on Tuesday, along with staff from Local Authorities and partner agencies.

Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner said: "Cyberbullying is a very serious issue which can affect anyone; using technology anytime and anywhere, to make victims feel scared and upset.

"Everyone has a responsibility for safeguarding young people whether it be physically or online and we want to raise awareness of this as well as encourage people of all ages to report it as and when it happens.

"We want victims to know that it is not your fault, no one has the right to make you feel like this and there is always someone there that you can speak to stop this from happening."

You can follow the day on Twitter @ASPoliceLIVE (link below) from 9am on Tuesday 17 September.

Your chance to ask the experts

Whether you're in school, at university, a parent or someone who works with children and young people, join the webchat after school on Tuesday at 4.30pm to ask the experts about cyberbullying.

All you need to do is visit www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/webchat  and join in the conversation.

You can also tweet your questions to @ASPoliceLive using #cyberbullying and the experts will answer them in the webchat.

The experts

Detective Inspector Matt Iddon, who works in Public Protection's Safeguarding Unit and chairs the eSafety Working Group for Avon and Somerset and our partner agencies.

Adrienne Katz, author of 'Cyberbullying & e-safety: what educators need to know' and director of the Bullying Intervention Group. She will be hosting the training seminar for officers and staff earlier in the day.

Alan Earl, police officer seconded to South West Grid for Learning from our Internet Child Abuse Team. He works with Local Authorities for the safeguarding of children in online environments.

Jonathan Charlesworth, Executive Director for Education Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH). Jonathan will be on hand to answer questions about homophobic and sexist bullying online.


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