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National Cupcake Week (14-19 Sept):

Published: 4th September 2009 13:32

MumsWhoBake launches new programme of cake decorating classes

MumsWhoBake Cupcake DecoratingTo mark National Cupcake Week 2009, MumsWhoBake is launching a brand new programme of cake decorating classes. Aimed at mothers who enjoy baking but aren’t baking professionals, the classes demonstrate simple and effective techniques which can be learnt in just one session.

we firmly believe that home baking should be fun and can even be therapeutic. Our hands-on classes strip back cake decorating techniques – we demonstrate how easy it is to create stylish cakes and how to use basic tools to achieve the results you want. What’s more, we even advocate imperfection: this isn’t about turning people into baking zombies... it’s about the enjoyment of creating something, feeling the love that goes into it and the sheer pleasure that results from it

Starting at only £30 per person, there are classes to suit all tastes. Whether you want to create fancy cupcakes for the school fete, fashion a breathtaking Christmas cake or simply explore your creativity with lashings of buttercream icing, MumsWhoBake has a class for you. There are even group sessions, ideal for friends looking for an unusual and indulgent way to enjoy their “me-time” together. The classes take place just 30 minutes from London and less than an hour from Birmingham, in the picturesque countryside of Castlethorpe, Milton Keynes.

National Cupcake Week is the perfect time for us to launch these classes,” comments Vicki Hoskins, mother-of-three and founder of MumsWhoBake, “So many people are intimidated by the wealth of cake decorating techniques and equipment on the market, yet we firmly believe that home baking should be fun and can even be therapeutic. Our hands-on classes strip back cake decorating techniques – we demonstrate how easy it is to create stylish cakes and how to use basic tools to achieve the results you want. What’s more, we even advocate imperfection: this isn’t about turning people into baking zombies... {{it’s about the enjoyment of creating something, feeling the love that goes into it and the sheer pleasure that results from it.”

Bedford mum, Joanne Young, tested out a cupcake class with MumsWhoBake in August: “Some of my mum-friends and I did the class together and it was fantastic. We all enjoyed using the equipment, practicing our techniques and, of course, leaving with a dozen beautifully-decorated cupcakes at the end. The problem now is that we’re all in competition with each other – our coffee afternoons will never be the same again!”

The classes being launched to coincide with National Cupcake Week 2009 include:

• “Cupcake Decorating” – learn a variety of techniques for decorating cupcakes, including using buttercream and sugarpaste
• “Christmas Cupcake Decorating” – learn a selection of skills for creating gorgeous, festive cupcakes

These classes cost £35 per person, which includes 12 naked cupcakes for you to decorate and take home with you.

• “Christmas Cake & Sugarpaste” – this session teaches the basics of using sugarpaste icing. Bring along your own undecorated cake (can be shop bought) and learn how to cover it with both marzipan and sugarpaste. Then learn how to make easy decorations to turn it into an impressive Christmas centrepiece. £30 per person

Use of all equipment and ingredients is included in the price for all courses. Class sizes are limited to just eight people and last for three hours. Group sessions (for up to eight people) cost between £160 and £200 per group if booked before the end of the year.

For further details or to book, visit www.mumswhobake.co.uk or call 0844 736 5882. New dates are being added all the time and MumsWhoBake is always happy to add extra classes to meet demand. The MumsWhoBake website is also an online shop for all your cake-decorating supplies.

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