Slimming World Groups in Epsom
Author: Slimmingworld | Published: 27th January 2010 13:37 |
30 million people are obese in the UK thats 62% of the population, over a million of those are children. 40,000 people die every year from weight related illness and 18 million working days are lost through weight related illness. It can reduce your life expectancy by 9 years. By losing just 10% of your body weight can take you into a healthier weight range.
Slimming World offers everone the best chance of losing weight healthly, by food optimsing, eating well, eating non-diet foods, eating a well balanced diet for all of the family. Eating, losing weight and keeping it off for good.
The fabulous Extra Easy plan give you unlimted choice of free foods! The plan works for the whole family. No weighing, counting, measuriing, or etsimating, no kidding. With free places for children aged 11 - 15, reduced rates for senior citizens and great free membership offer. Why not kick start your 2010 weight loss journey and join in with our "Lets Beat it " campaign for a helathy longer life.
There are groups in Epsom on Saturdays, Ewell on Wednesdays and Stoneleigh on Tuesdays. For more information please visit our website: or call Sue on 07769555395
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