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Which rose to buy?

Published: 23rd January 2011 11:41

Which rose to buy?
Not all roses are the same! Some will guarantee a night of affection, others will get you a kiss if you're lucky! And then of course the colour you choose says a whole lot more. The Flowers & Plants Association gives a run down on what roses to ask for if you want to get the right message across.

The right variety
When it comes to red roses the choice is huge. Some can be almost black whilst others verge on the edge of orange, some have elegant champagne shapes whilst others are more like garden roses and of course they come in all sorts of sizes.


 If you're looking for the real WOW factor then Red Naomi is the rose being tipped by florists this year. A gorgeous deep red with just a hint of fragrance, this luxury, open type rose will last for up to 14 days.

If you prefer a more fluted shape - think champagne glass - then ask for Freedom, a fabulous deep red rose that again lasts for ages and comes in a range of lengths.

If you want your red rose with a bit of a twist then Red Intuition is a must buy with soft flecks of pink against a gorgeous red base. And if size counts then this one comes in a 2mtr length ... a statement of love that can't be beaten!

If you want a smaller gesture of love, look out for Passion roses. Popular with supermarkets and for lower priced bouquets the heads are smaller than some but with a lovely deep red velvety appearance very pretty.

Upper Class is a relatively new rose which opens slowly and lasts well while Red Sky from Ethiopia is another good value for money variety.

If you can't bear the thought of thorns, although a good florist should have blunted them for you (see our care notes) the thornless Grand Amore is the one to choose while if it's scent you're after then you can't go wrong with garden type roses like Darcy and Ecstasy ... the vase life may be much shorter but the scent more than makes up for it.

The right colour
While everyone knows red roses symbolise the ultimate message of true love, other rose colours have their own significant meanings and might actually be more appropriate to send.

 Yellow rosesYellow roses

 For example White roses, which represent truth, purity and innocence, ask ‘will you love me?' while Dark Pink roses carry the message ‘meet me by moonlight' as they symbolise secret love, admiration and joy.

If you send Yellow roses you are saying ‘thou are all that is lovely' as they mean exuberance, friendship, and happiness while Purple roses are the ones to send if it's a case of love at first sight, adoration or fascination!

Light pink means ‘only for thee' while Orange roses are the truly passionate ones as they represent intense desire and energy!

 The right style
You don't have to send a dozen roses to say I Love You ... a single stem can be just as powerful and a six pack can be the perfect way to show affection without going over the top.

 The right styleThe right style

 And you don't always need to send a huge bouquet ... especially if you're not sure your intended has a vase. A good florist can create all sorts of romantic gifts such as a hatbox filled with a mass of be-jewelled rose heads or a gorgeous country-style basket design.

The right care
Flowers need the right TLC to make sure they last as long as possible but you don't need a degree in biology. Just follow these simple instructions and your roses should blossom and bloom for ages.

  • If the bouquet has been delivered in a water bubble (aqua pack) make sure you change it - it might look pretty sitting in its wrap but this is for transportation only, not long term display. Transfer your roses to a clean vase.

  • Remove any foliage that will sit below the waterline as this can cause infection.

  • Never break thorns off ... this opens up the stem to infection. If necessary simply snip the sharp points off.

  • Cut the stems with a sharp knife and at a sharp angle 2cm from the bottom ... the sharper the better as this allows more water take up.

  • Never bash the stems ... you destroy the cell structure and they won't be able to drink.

  • Always use the flower food provided ... old wife solution like asprin, bleach or lemonade will kill rather than cure. As for gin or vodka ... keep it for yourself!

  • Keep the water topped up and change it after a week, make sure there are no leaves or petals floating in the water.

Sending flowers on February 14th is the perfect way to show affection. Use some of the Flowers & Plants Association's suggestions and you can make the message even more special.


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