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New Rides from Wearside Family Cycle Group

Author: AboutMyArea HeadOffice Published: 17th August 2010 09:07
The Wearside Family Cycle Group was founded in April 2007, and has been providing cycle rides and cycling support to intermediate and experienced cyclists and families across the North East of England.

They are now expanding the cycle group to cater for new cyclists and those cyclists that would wish to cycle more regularly and may not have the present confidence to ride further.




The existing "WFCG" groups ride at a relaxed and social pace, but the distances in the past have varied from 15 miles to 55 miles. ( You would be surprised how far you can cycle in a group ! ).

They are now forming an additional group to provide shorter cycle rides aimed at providing a leisurely paced ride over a distance of about 5 to 10 miles that are able to be adapted to the ability of the cyclist.

Dave Lawther, one of theSustrans Rangers, along with Julia Watson will run the group. Further information can be obtained by contacting either Dave or Julia - see details below.

The next 5 mile ride is on Sunday 29 August 2010.

Their groups always aim to cycle at the pace of the slowest rider, regrouping regularly and stopping for refreshments as necessary during the ride.

The rides where possible will use off-road cycle-ways so that rides should be ideal for family cycling.  Most of the routes are suitable for touring bikes, and mountain bikes as well as folding bikes.


The cycle group meets every 2 weeks, on a Sunday, between 9 to 9.30 am in the car park of the Silksworth Ski Slope Recreation Centre, New Silksworth, Sunderland.

The rides will start at 9.30am, are held throughout the year and are lead by experienced cyclists.

The shorter rides will generally stay in the vicinity of Silksworth, so that riders are never too far away from home !

The longer WFCG rides may take you all over Wearside , into Durham, Cleveland and Tyneside - using local cyclist knowledge - we will show you routes you may never knew existed!  We often link the cycle routes to the coast and the river Wear, to country parks and wildlife sites - many of the off-road cycle-ways themselves provide a great variety of wildlife habitat and species.

Of course all cyclists are welcome, but as we are a family cycle group we request that anyone under the age of 18 should be accompanied by a parent or an adult carer for the duration of the ride.


For more information on this new WFCG cycle group please contact David Lawther or Julia Watson

Email: david.wfcg@hotmail.co.uk or julia.watson2@ntlworld.com

Alternatively contact Dave Willcock or Clive Greenwood for more information on the WFCG:

Phone: 07946 803629 or 0191 5611576

Email: saiadave@yahoo.co.uk

Website: www.cycle-routes.org/wearsiderangers



Wearside Family Cycle Group are also on facebook - become friends to receive up to date information about rides.

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