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Published: 13th February 2020 09:06


At one point or the other, you may have come across the word SARMs or SARM dietary supplements. It is more popular amongst weight lifters, bodybuilders and few people with the knowledge of what they are and how they work. For you to achieve your body fitness goals, you need to understand what SARMs are all about and how they can help you achieve those goals. This article is the right piece for you. It also puts you various pitfalls to avoid when selecting the right SARM for your body needs.

What are SARMs? These are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators that are grouped into a unique class of therapeutic molecules, with similar properties to anabolic-androgenic steroids, and are used to treat various diseases. Unlike AAS or steroids, SARMs actions are selective and they have reduced androgenic properties. Some of these receptors have undergone clinical trial for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

Best SARMs For Bodybuilding

It is important to note that every SARM produced is unique as there are no two equally-created receptors. There are several factors you need to consider before taking a SARM. These include the dosage that would be required, how sensitive your body is towards AAS (Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids), the length of your dose cycle, and the type of result you wish to generate. That being stated, here are some top SARMs that can help you build the desired body frame you need and improve your health generally.

  1. Ostarine (MK-2866)

This modulator is one of the most widely used SARMs as it contains a plethora of information on its properties, efficacy, dosage, and safety. The company behind the development of this drug is GTx Inc - a Memphis-based laboratory. It is being studied by researchers as a way to curb muscle wasting and loss of muscle tissues in cancer and muscular dystrophy patients. Ostarine is used to enhance lean muscle mass, boost strength and burn fat. It can even reduce blood glucose and HDL cholesterol levels in some people. It has been clinically tested and proven safe to use.

For bodybuilders that want to cut, Ostarin (MK-2866) helps to retain muscle mass, making it one of the best dietary drugs for weight loss and cut programs. Clinical review shows the ideal dosage to range between 3mg - 5mg daily. However, bodybuilders have their dosages pegged between 10mg - 30mg per day, depending on their body goals. It is important to note that the more you take the drug, the stronger the hormone suppression effect.

  1. Testolone (RAD-140)

This dietary drug is considered to be one of the most potent SARMs you can get in the market. This is as a result of the high binding properties it has with androgen receptors. Testolone (RAD-140) was developed by a Massachusetts-based pharmaceutical company known as Radius Health. It was created to combat muscle-wasting diseases. Due to its potent effect, it is advised to use nothing higher than 20mg per day. Researchers recommend a dosage of 10mg per day. Most bodybuilders use it primarily for bulking, although few have achieved cutting results with it. It is strongly not recommended for cycles beyond eight weeks.

  1. Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

This drug is popular due to the results it generates with respect to muscle development, with just a  few side effects. It is considered as a mid-ranged potent drug between mild SARMs such as Ostarine and strong ones such as Testolone (RAD-140). Ligandrol (LGD-4033) was initially developed by Viking Therapeutics before handing over to Ligand Pharmaceuticals. It is an ideal SARM for cutting. One of the few side effects encountered is water retention which is greatly reduced during the dosage cycle. It helps enhance lean muscle mass and strength gains. It is very effective with a dosage as little as 5mg per day. Although it takes a couple of weeks to start seeing results, the strength gained is pretty tremendous.

You can learn more about SARMs at HealthEd Academy. You will also be provided with more details on how you can access the right bodybuilding drug to meet your fitness goals.
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