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3 Ways to Make It Through Health Problems

Published: 31st August 2017 13:17



When you’re suffering from long-term health problems, it can be all too easy to make a habit of worrying in an unproductive or unhelpful way. So here are three strategies to keep the stress of your situation at bay to improve the quality of your life.


Be Active


Some of your worries are unnecessary in that they can be easily solved by a decision you could make or an action you could take. When it comes to issues like whether or not to contact Medical Negligence Solicitors about your experiences at the hospital, you can spend nights awake, but by making a quick telephone call, you can get the ball rolling. It might be that you only need to know if you’re eligible or not before you can stop worrying. Sometimes, the sooner you take an active step, the sooner you can put this worry at rest.


Be physically active as well – accept your limitations, and do an activity that you can do, and you enjoy. This will help you acknowledge that you can achieve personal goals if you motivate yourself. It will also help you to sleep easier, combatting another side effect of stress.


Accept Some Circumstances


You can’t do something active about everything you worry about, particularly if you’re newly disabled or you’re still getting used to life in a wheelchair. Sometimes the cause of the stress is out of your hands – for example, you might be waiting for someone else to make a big decision that will affect your life, like whether or not you’re going to receive an organ transplant this year.


Accepting circumstances as they are can be difficult, but sometimes there’s simply nothing you can do but wait. In cases like these, it might be helpful to distract yourself with something like a good book, a film or a conversation with an expressive friend. These let us worry about someone else’s problems for a change and, unlike our own, they tend to be resolved by the end of the chapter, film or anecdote. If you know that your worrying is unnecessary or unhelpful, use catharsis to your advantage, and cleanse your mind.


Improve General Conditions


Whether you’re constantly mulling over the biggest decision of your life or you’re stuck in a rut of staying in and feeling sorry for yourself, one general strategy for dealing with stress is to distract yourself with some of your less urgent or more manageable worries. You can always improve your diet or the amount of exercise you’re getting in and, even if it’s got nothing to do with your real concerns, you’ll feel better for being proactive.


A change in your diet can affect the chemical makeup of your brain by making sure that you have the right amounts of vitamins and minerals, but improving your exercise routine can have a further reaching effect – rather than doing the same stale workout every day, you’ll find that varying the many different types of exercise you do can give you more tangible control over your emotions. 

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