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Aquamark Completes another Successful Clean on Chelsea's Exclusive King's Estate

Author: null null Published: 30th May 2011 11:30

Chelsea BridgeWhen the estate management team at the notoriously exclusive King's Estate in Chelsea needed their high security car park cleaned for the first time in six years, they called upon Aquamark, a company which has continued to deliver exceptional cleaning on their behalf for many months.

Thanks to the consistently high quality of Aquamark's work on the estate, the management team contracted them to undertake the cleaning of the piping and ductwork in the underground car park. The area was covered in a build up of dust and carbon deposits and the brief was to deliver a thorough clean without damaging or leaving any trace of dust on the vehicles of the rich and famous, some of them belonging to film stars, pop icons and Premier League footballers worth around a million pounds.

High Class Cleaning for a High Class Client

Setting aside three days to clean the whole car park, Aquamark tackled the piping with an industrial strength vacuum and the ductwork meticulously by hand for the best, and safest results.

As Aquamark had already successfully completed various contracts throughout the estate, security control allowed them unprecedented access. Aquamark owner Brad Staines said: "Being trusted to work in a space that holds some of the country's most valuable cars was a great honour and a contract that we at Aquamark were proud to undertake."

The King's Estate is just one of many high profile commercial clients for whom Aquamark carry out regular cleaning contracts.

Aquamark is a commercial cleaning specialist with 20 years experience offering office and workplace cleaning, carpet cleaning, window cleaning, and specialist high reach cleaning services. All cleaners are fully vetted, CRB checked and provided with ongoing training. Based in London, Aquamark covers the entire south east of England and will also take on national contracts. For more information telephone 020 8401 2375 or visit http://www.aquamarkcleaning.co.uk/

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