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Sport England's Four Year Grant in Aid Funding

Published: 3rd November 2010 13:12

On 20th October, Sport England received confirmation of its four-year funding settlement from the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport.

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The settlement represents a 33% reduction in our grant in aid revenue funding by 2014/15. This is a significant cut, which will be tough for those who love sport and give up their time working in clubs, as coaches and as volunteers to help others take part in sporting activities.

We understand, however, that the Government has had to make difficult decisions and our job is to protect and prioritise the frontline of community sport as much as we can. We also recognise that the National Lottery reforms will see considerable additional funding coming into sport from 2012.

We plan to achieve the 33% savings by taking the following actions:
  • Setting ourselves a target of reducing our own administration costs by 50% by March 2015, as expected by the Secretary of State
  • Protecting the revenue funding for our major frontline deliverers, national governing bodies of sport (NGBs), until March 2013, subject to their contracted performance
  • Reducing our grant in aid budget for NGBs for the 2013 - 17 funding cycle by no more than 15%
  • Reducing our grant in aid budget for most of the other organisations we fund, including our national partners[1], by around 30% over four years
  • Protecting Sportsmatch for the next two years, with a full review in 2013.

Additionally, we have received a reduction in our capital grant budget of around 40%. We will shortly be consulting the NGBs and other organisations most affected by this change on the best way to manage the reduced amount of capital funding available.

Sport England's Chief Executive, Jennie Price, said:

"Today's announcement is tough for grassroots sport, and in particular the coaches, volunteers and clubs in communities across the country. We recognise, however, that these are challenging times for everyone.

"In our discussions with DCMS, we underlined the importance of protecting our core investment in 46 sports, and I am pleased that this is reflected in our settlement. We also welcome the Government's Lottery reforms, which will bring considerable additional funding into grassroots sport.

"Sport England's priority is a simple one, ensuring as many people as possible play sport. With less grant in aid funding available, it is more important than ever that each pound reaches right down to the grassroots."


[1] Our national partners include: English Federation of Disability Sport, SkillsActive UK, Sporting Equals, SportsCoach UK, StreetGames, Volunteering England, WSFF.


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