First Aid training
Author: Anthony w | Published: 18th April 2022 14:02 |
I am a newly qualified first aid trainer in the B14 area able to offer a wide area of certified firat aid training to a wide variety of businesses including schools,care professionals,sports clubs, Beauty therapists, leisure clubs, dance instructors,cyclists,motorcyclists, equestrian,teachers and many more. The first aid will cover FAW,EFAW peadiatrics, forestry and high risk areas as well as basics also the use of an AED. For a full list please contact me
I am also happy to include training to organisations such as toddlers groups and parent groups as there is a family first aid course as well as a parent first aid course available, I can also deliver sfaegaurding training to people who want to participate.
If you are interested please leave a message and i will get back to you.
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