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Special guests help Edgbaston care home launch sports bar

Author: Lauren S Published: 21st December 2023 14:52
 A care home in Edgbaston has unveiled its very own sports bar with the help of former England cricketer Kabir Ali, and Roger Newman, CEO of The Cricket Foundation.

When sports enthusiast Michael Collins, aged 77, suggested that Care UK's Metchley Manor, on Church Road, where he lives, needed a dedicated sports area - they decided to go one better.

The newly created sports bar was officially unveiled by Michael, with special guests, Kabir and Roger, on hand to help cut the ribbon.

The cosy communal space features various games, books, a TV and of course - a bar. Residents, along with their family and friends, can now enjoy their favourite tipple, while relaxing and watching matches on screen.

Michael said: "All of my life I have been able to walk into a bar and buy a pint. Asking for a bar in my own home seemed a natural thing and now we have one is a wish come true.

"I thoroughly enjoyed the unveiling and meeting Kabir Ali and Roger Newman. I wanted somewhere for the men to come and talk, watch sports, and have a cheeky beer, or two. What we have now, has given us just that, and more."

Kim-Marie Newton, General Manager at Metchley Manor, said: "We are so pleased to have unveiled our new sports bar and to have Michael there to see his idea come to life was brilliant.

"Here at Metchley Manor, we understand how important it is for residents to lead fulfilling lives and stay connected to their hobbies and interests, which is why this sports bar is so important to everyone here. The bar is already proving extremely popular with the many sports fans we have at the home, and you can often hear cheering on match days.

"I'd like to say a huge thank you to Kabir Ali and Roger Newman for helping us officially open our sports bar. You're welcome in our bar anytime!"

For more information on Metchley Manor, please call Director of Community Relations, Gemma Walsh on 0121 392 1629, or email gemma.walsh@careuk.com

For more general information, please go to careuk.com/metchley-manor

Designed to enable residents to live active and fulfilled lives, while also promoting independence, Metchley Manor, which remains open to potential residents, incorporates space for hobby and leisure activities. The building has been configured into a series of neighbourhoods to help facilitate the creation of close-knit communities and encourage social interaction among the residents.

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