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Top ten weight loss excuses (and how to beat them!)

Published: 23rd January 2012 19:59

Do you dream of losing weight and dropping a few dress sizes? But do you find you often fall at the first hurdle and never seem able to get going on a weight loss plan?

If the answer is ‘yes' then you may be falling victim to one of the common weight loss excuses, according to national online weight loss company, Slimavite.

They believe that by recognising where you may be setting yourself up for failure, you can begin to ditch the negative and instead start your weight loss journey from a positive.

Slimavite's guide to the top ten weight loss excuses

1. I'm too busy
If being too busy, for example with a high pressure job, is your biggest obstacle then planning is your secret weapon. If you cook up a meal take any extra/left over food and freeze it in individual portions so you can grab it quickly on a day you're really busy or home late. When you shop make sure you stock up on easy grab snacks you keep on your desk and reach for, such as fresh fruit.

2. I'm too tired
As with being busy, plan so you have readymade meal options or quick grab snacks ready. Exercise has also been shown to help improve sleep patterns and to reduce stress.

3. I'm too old to lose weight
No age is too old to lose weight! As we get older we need less calories every day, but as creatures of habit we generally do not reduce the amount of food that we eat. This can lead to gradual weight gain. After the menopause, women can start to accumulate fat around their middle rather than on their legs. These two factors combined can lead a lot of post-menopausal women to want to lose weight.

4. It's in my genes, there's nothing I can do about it
Overweight running in families is normally due to unhealthy eating habits being passed down through the generations. Families will often eat the same meals and the same foods, and cook them in the same way. It is true that certain people may have a collection of genes which mean they are more predisposed to putting weight on more easily, but that does not mean they will. Weight is the result of lifestyle and eating habits, and weight loss plans like Slimavite can help you to change your habits for healthier ones.

5. I have a slow metabolism
Metabolism is, in simple terms, the amount of energy your body uses each day. It refers to the rate at which your body turns food into energy. Metabolism rates can vary from person to person, but only very slightly. Very few overweight people have a slow metabolism - in fact they generally have faster metabolisms because they carry extra weight. Exercise can speed up your metabolism and so if someone is worried that they have a slow metabolism then they will find exercising helps them burn off more calories.

6. I have an injury
Being unable to exercise because you have an injury does not mean you cannot lose weight. Exercise can help speed up a weight loss but it is the calories you eat which will mean you lose or put on weight. If you are doing less exercise then you will also need fewer calories.

7. There's just too much temptation
Before you start on a new weight loss plan, remove all the temptation you possible can from your house, so you won't want to grab for it. Also avoid shopping when you're hungry and plan for those times you may normally binge to make sure you always have healthy snacks you can grab quickly.

8. I'm trying but I'm not losing any weight
An average man needs around 2,500 calories a day to maintain his weight, for an average woman, that figure is around 2,000 calories a day, so to lose weight a woman needs to adopting a reduced calorie regime, such as Slimavite's Bite Plan. Combining a healthy eating plan with regular exercise will produce a negative energy balance - ie more calories will be used than consumed - and so weight will go down. A reduction of 500 kcals/per day can lead to a healthy weight loss of 1-2 lbs per week. If you're doing this and still not losing weight then look closely at what you are eating, as you may be consuming more calories than you realise. For example, are you eating lots of fruit or nuts each day, drinking lots of fruit juice or alcoholic drinks, or even just having large portion sizes? These can all push intake up.

9. I don't like vegetables
Losing weight does not have to mean living entirely on a diet of vegetables, and there are lots of other foods which are also healthy. You do need to try and include some however, as fruit and vegetables are a key part of a healthy balanced diet and will provide you with the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Try to add them to meals, even if it's out of sight. For example, chopped up small in a bolognaise or pasta sauce. There is also a huge choice available at supermarkets now, so give something different a try, raw or cooked, and you may find something you like.

10. My partner keeps buying me treats
It can be hard when a partner continues to buy all the unhealthy things you love. Ask them to support you, even if it's just for a week or two, by keeping these things away from you, giving you chance to get going with your plans. They do not need to deny themselves sugary or high calories snacks, but they can try to keep them out of sight, by enjoying them while at work for example.

For more information visit www.slimavite.com or @slimavite

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