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Guided Photo Safari To Famous Masai Mara In Kenya On Offer

Author: Bob Brind Surch Published: 23rd July 2012 12:27

Guided photo Safari to the world famous Masai Mara region of KenyaGuided photo Safari to the world famous Masai Mara region of Kenya

A guided photo safari to the world renowned Masai Mara home to the long running  BBC “Big Cats Diary” and the more recent Disney film “African Cats” is always high on any photographers wish list but is often just too expensive. Having offered trips to the region for some time now I have developed special arrangements with a fantastic and select camp in Kenya and a top safari firm in the UK. As a direct result of these relationships I have been able to put together an extremely attractive trip for 2013 at a very much reduced price of £2,975 all inclusive (international air fares from Heathrow, internal transfers, full board, laundry fees etc.).

In 2012 I offered this same 9 day trip for £3,560 and with air fare and other increases it should have been even more expensive this coming year. Other leading UK photo safari tour companies are currently offering the same trip at £3,300 plus flights at £695 = £3,995 i.e. a massive £1,020 or 34% more. It is purely due to my relationships with these organisations that I can offer this very special price for this year and it is unlikely that I will be able to offer such a bargain again.

On such trips I limit the number to an absolute maximum of eight, often less. There are only four people in each specially adapted Landcruiser thus ensuring everyone gets a “window seat”. Not that there are any windows as these vehicles are fully open sided so there is nothing between you, your camera and the animals. I use specially trained local driver guides and stay in an intimate, completely unfenced luxury bush camp. The camp has only has eight spacious twin or double bedded Selous style luxury tents, all fully insect-proof. These are equipped with proper full size cedar beds, luxury linen, bedside tables, luggage racks and rugs and have electric lighting 24 hours per day. Bathrooms are fully en-suite and are equipped with a dresser, vanity basin, shower, flushing toilet and running water. I choose this camp precisely because it offers such very high standards of accommodation, cuisine and wildlife guiding. It is ideal for those wishing to experience the real African bush away from large, often noisy and impersonal lodges. Its small size and excellent staff and facilities also enable me to provide you with the personal attention you would expect.

As well as introducing you to the magic of Africa and its people and wildlife I will be on hand at all times to help you with your camera and photographic technique. If you choose to come on this very special holiday you can be sure of coming back with an extremely large number of excellent and memorable photos and having learnt more about wildlife photography too.

More details including a report from a previous trips, testimonials from previous guests and photos can be found on my website www.naturesphotos.co.uk or go direct to www.naturesphotos.co.uk//pages/workshops-tours-abroad/the-rolling-plains-of-africa.php.   

A selection of my own African photos can be found at www.naturesphotos.co.uk//pages/image-galleries/east-african-wildlife.php.

If you would like to discuss this or ask any questions at all please contact me direct either by phone 01327 352505 – mobile 07983 427202 or e-mail bob@naturesphotos.co.uk.


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