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A Healthy Breakfast is the Way to a Man’s Heart

Author: AboutMyArea HeadOffice Published: 23rd July 2013 08:30

Skipping breakfast may increase coronary heart disease risk, according to researchers.

An American study analysed questionnaire data and tracked the health of over 26,000 male health professionals over 16 years.

family round a tableMen who reported missing breakfast had a 27 per cent higher risk of heart attack or death from coronary heart disease than those who reported eating a morning meal.

Those who admitted to not eating breakfast were also more likely to be smokers, employed full time, unmarried, less physically active and drank more alcohol than men who ate breakfast.

Get on your way to five-a-day before you've even left the house

The British Heart Foundation's Senior Dietitian, Victoria Taylor, said: "In the morning rush it can be all too easy to skip breakfast, but this study suggests this could have a bigger impact on our health than we might think.

"However, these researchers only looked at men aged over 45, so we would need to see further research to confirm that breakfast has the same impact on the heart health of other groups of people.

"What we do know is that a healthy and filling breakfast* can make that mid-morning biscuit less tempting, as well as giving you another opportunity to widen the variety of foods in your diet.

"Wholegrain toast or cereals like porridge with low fat milk are a good way to start the day. Try a sliced banana or dried fruit on top and you'll be on your way to five-a-day before you've even left the house."

The research was published in Circulation, the American Heart Association journal.


* ideas and tips for a healthy and filling breakfast


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