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Top cyclists to race in Stafford

Published: 15th June 2010 22:47

Street cyclstsTop cyclists from across the country will take to the streets of Stafford as the town hosts its first ‘Grand Prix.'

Olympic medal winners will be among at least 50 cyclists taking part in the race in July which is a round of British Cycling's National Elite Circuit Series.

Thousands of spectators are expected to turn out for the ‘Stafford Grand Prix' which starts in the Market Square and involves competitors completing laps around the town centre.

The event takes place at 6pm on Thursday 8 July and is being organised by Leadout, a communications company run by Stafford-born cyclist Paul Rowlands, and the Borough Council.

Paul said: "I was born in Stafford and have lived most of my life in the borough. Cycling has always been my passion and it's given me the chance to work on events like the Tour de France and Tour of Britain.

"Now I'm hoping we can bring a little of the magic of those events to the town and hopefully help to re-invigorate the night-time economy.

"The race will be a colourful mix of entertainment, excitement and sport which will bring a buzz to the town for the night, for people of all ages."

He added: "You don't have to be a cycling fan to watch the event - the riders put on a wonderful spectacle. There's plenty of thrills and the occasional spill along the way as these professional riders give their all in pursuit of victory."

Councillor Mike Smith, Stafford Borough Council's cabinet member for leisure, said: "We are very pleased to be involved in such an exciting event, which we hope will boost our local economy as well as putting Stafford on the cycling map.

"It will give local people the chance to see some of the country's top cyclists, including former Olympians. And this type of event inspires others to take part in cycling, which is a great way to stay healthy."

The event, free for spectators, is being sponsored by a number of local companies and organizations who are listed on the event website www.staffordgp.co.uk and who's branding will be on display on the night. However, there's room for many more local businesses to show their support for the event, so to find out more about how your business can get involved, contact Paul Rowlands on 07921 612091 or via mailto:paul@leadout.co.uk

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