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Roundhay Tea and Chat Club

Published: 27th September 2014 13:15

Three years ago o, Roundhay Tea and Chat  became an independent small charity group with its own Trustees. The Club began in 2008 on a  shoestring, with just two volunteers, aiming to provide a place where older people in Roundhay who live alone could come along and make new friends. Now we have 6 excellent volunteers and many members from 69 to 95. We also have an Access Bus to bring some members to and from the meetings.

We meet just off Street Lane (Devonshire  Close) and our meeting room is accessible to all.p, including wheelchairs.

Interested as member or volunteer?

Phone 07808030702 or email roundhayteaandchat@gmail.com

Our activities include meals out, theatre and trips, activities and craft. We also enjoy speakers, entertainers and parties. However, we make sure there is always time for members to chat to friends old and new. We have a reputation as a very welcoming group. Some members and volunteers meet for a cup of tea or a light lunch in local cafes between meetings.

We meet on 2nd, 4th and any 5th Tuesday afternoons between 1.30pm. and 3.30p.m.

N.B. We are no longer directly  connected in any way to Royal Voluntary Service. 







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