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St Gemma's Hospice - Make a Will Month

Published: 12th September 2019 10:50

St Gemma's Hospice - Make a Will Month

St Gemma's Make a Will Month takes place every October, giving people the opportunity to have their Will written in exchange for making a donation towards patient care. Last year, Make a Will Month raised over £20,000 for patients and families at St Gemma's.

This year, St Gemma's Hospice will be teaming up with 44 solicitors across Leeds who will offer you the opportunity to have your Will written*, in return for a donation to the Hospice.

Why make a Will?

We spend our lives working to provide for ourselves and our loved ones. As life changes around you, it is a good time to consider making your Will. Making your Will means you can be certain that your wishes are followed after your death. Making a Will is often seen as a very sensitive subject, one which many people prefer to put off until a later date. However, a professionally written Will can make life much easier for our loved ones when the time comes. A Will is the only way to make sure your money, property, possessions and investments (known as your estate) go to the people and causes that you care about.

For further details, please email Sophia Last: sophia.last@st-gemma.co.uk or phone 0113 218 5506. Alternatively, please visit https://events.st-gemma.co.uk/make-a-will-month/ to register your interest.

*Please note this is not a free Wills scheme; a donation must be made in return for your Will. The offer applies to standard Wills, Mirror Wills and Codicils only. If your Will is not standard, your solicitor will advise you and agree a fee with you before continuing the process.

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