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Bay Tree Cottage Ginger And Whisky Marmalade

Author: Jenny Dicks Published: 6th February 2013 08:30

Ginger & Whisky MarmaladeGinger & Whisky MarmaladeWith Seville oranges only in season for just a few weeks so you have to seize the moment to make your homemade marmalade! And now is the time!

And if you are looking for a slightly different recipe to the traditional Orange Marmalade then this one is a definite winner!

Spread a bit of this on your toast in the morning ...it's a great way to start your day! Enjoy!

  • 1.3kg Seville oranges
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 2 lemons , juice only
  • 200g stemmed ginger, finely chopped
  • 2.7kg granulated sugar
  • Whisky to taste!

  1. Scrub the oranges and put them whole into a large preserving pan with 2.4ltrs of water and the salt. Cover with a lid and simmer the fruit gently until soft and the peel can be easily pierced with a fork.
  2. Reserve the liquid and halve the fruit, scooping out the pith and pips and putting this into a small saucepan. Add another 300ml of water to the pan of pips and piths and then simmer for 10 minutes. This contains a high level of pectin so will give your marmalade a good setting point.
  3. Cut the peel, with a sharp knife, into fine shreds and add to the reserved liquid in the preserving pan. Strain the liquid from the pith and pips and add this liqid to the large pan.
  4. Add the lemon juice, sugar and stemmed ginger. Heat slowly to dissolve the sugar completley, stirring all the time. When the sugar has dissolved, increase the heat and bring to a rapid boil until the setting point is reached.
  5. Leave the marmalade to stand in the pan for 20 minutes to cool a little and allow the peel to settle. Add a generous splash of marmalade and stir thoroughly ...then have a taste, and add some more if required! Once you are happy with the flavour, pot in sterilised jars, seal and label.

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