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Room in a Boxx

Author: Gordon Alexander Published: 17th August 2011 13:22

I can't necessarily speak for others, but when I see a business named ‘Room in a Boxx', I immediately start asking questions: "I wonder what they do?! What do they specialise in?? Tell me more please!!!" Room in a Boxx is one of those little gems that holds many hidden secrets once you delve a bit further beyond its banner. So let's do just that...

Room in a Boxx is a local business, set-up by Marcia Bravo. A specialist in interior design, Marcia provides expert advice and suggestions on style and design for clients looking to create a new flair for their surroundings-whether it is at home or in the work place.

"Room in a Boxx offers clients a totally new look and feel to their living space, all within affordable costs" says Marcia. "We take a budget and work within it."

Walking into the showpiece at Marcia's home is like a banquet for the eyes; a whitewashed room displaying numerous pieces of African art, proudly hanging from the walls. A beautifully carved mantle displays countless objets d'art and decorative accessories, with plump scatter cushions and other fabrics neatly scattered in different places. The soothing pastel colours and large illuminating windows make the room feel remarkably fresh, with a true sense of ‘home'.

Marica's displays proudly show off her talents for eclectic styling. Many of the larger pieces of furniture in the room have that quality vintage charm to them. In one corner lies an old family television from half a century ago. Despite now being obsoletely out of use, Marcia has used it to add to the eclectic nature of her work. "You don't necessarily have to have matching pieces. If they are in your eye truly quality pieces, then they will naturally go together".

Room in a Boxx boasts a noble rhetoric of ‘happy homes and happy spaces make happy people'. When asking Marica, in her opinion, what the one fundamental rule to follow is, when transforming one's living space, she replies "it is imperative to do what makes you, yourself, happy. At the end of the day, it's your environment, and you should do things with your space, your way".

Room in a Boxx, after only 18 short months, continues to go from strength to strength. Given the quality of the specialist expertise on offer, as well as our ever-apparent need to escape the monotony of work or home surroundings, Room in a Boxx could very well be your ticket to peace and contentment.

Find out more at www.roominaboxx.co.uk


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