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What Factors Determine the Price of Car Insurance?

Published: 22nd July 2020 09:54


When you own and drive a car, there’s absolutely no way of getting out of paying insurance, unless your car is sitting in a garage - and even then, insurance will make sure that you are covered if it gets stolen. Car insurance is a necessary expense for every driver, but what exactly determines how much you will pay? Everybody knows that age and driving experience matter, but what else counts? Whether you are looking for insurance for your first car or are trying to find a cheaper policy for your next year on the road, consider these factors that will affect the price.

Your Car

The safer your car is, the less your insurance is likely to cost. This is why older, cheaper cars sometimes cost the most to insure; they simply don’t have all the safety features that newer cars do. A car with additional features like automatic braking, parking sensors, and daytime running lights is less likely to be involved in a collision thanks to them, so insurers may be willing to lower the policy price in many cases. 

Your Area

The area where you live and park your car at night can have a huge effect on how much you pay for your car insurance. The number of collisions reported to insurance companies in the local area will play a part, as will the likelihood of car theft where you live. If you live in an area where everybody has to put their car keys under their pillow at night because cars are regularly being stolen from driveways, chances are you are going to pay more insurance. 

You will also have to use the right site depending on what country you reside in. For instance, Northern Ireland residents may find that they might not be able to take out insurance with some mainland UK providers. This is where you’d need to use a site such as Compare NI who have specific policies for car insurance NI. All you need to do here is check the insurance band and get insurance quotes before you decide. 

Where You Park

Where you park your car at home can also impact the price you pay for insurance. If you park on a busy road, for example, there’s a risk of somebody hitting your car while parked, and this could drive the price up. Or, if you live in an area where car theft is common and you park on your driveway, this could increase your insurance because it increases the risk of theft when thieves know which house to break into for the keys. If you have a garage, parking inside it is usually the cheapest option. 

Your Job

The job that you do will also impact your car insurance price, especially if you drive to work. If you can get to work without your car, this is often worth doing for the savings you’ll make - plus, it’s better for the planet. Your insurance will also rise if you use your car for a high-risk job like working in the police. 

Your driving experience and age are factors we all know to affect car insurance prices, but they’re not the only ones. Consider other factors such as changing where you park at night, so see if your insurance can be cheaper. 

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