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The Best Guide for the Dagenham Area

Dagenham news, reviews and local events in Dagenham areas including Becontree, Valence, Whalebone, and communities in Dagenham. Are these places the most relevant to this postcode? Let us know!

Calendar of
Upcoming Events


"... thank you so much for your interest and help, it really is appreciated"
- Helen Robertson, East London Community Foundation

Easy Access

Suggest someone to us that you think would be interested in getting involved in your area

The Dagenham website is built for local people to use to tell their local community about what's happening in the area. It’s not run by a specific group or organisation so everyone has a place and can promote, report, read or publish articles and events about their groups, hobbies, issues or interests.

So if you know of someone or were hoping to find information in a section on the site please let us know and we will try and contact them to let them know what it could do for them. Any details provided will not be put onto a database and we try to contact everyone personally either by phone or email.

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