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New venue for Towcester Country Market

Author: Margaret Merris Published: 29th August 2017 09:03

In September 2017, Towcester Country Market are moving to The Sawpits Centre.  We will be open on Thursday mornings from 8.30 to 11.30.In September 2017, Towcester Country Market are moving to The Sawpits Centre.  We will be open on Thursday mornings from 8.30 to 11.30.

In September 2017, Towcester Country Market are moving to The Sawpits Centre.  We will be open on Thursday mornings from 8.30 to 11.30.

Speaking to AboutMyArea/NN12 Magaret Merris said, "We have invited some friends to join us to help fill the large hall.  

"In October, Jo, from Leamington Country Market, who makes very fine jewellery using precious and semi-precious stones will be in attendance.

"In September, Chris and Rowena, from Milton Keynes Country Market, who make costume jewellery, willow baskets, and padded play mats and quilts will be at our market.

"In addition, we plan to serve tea, coffee, and cake.

"New members are always welcome, call in for a chat. "

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