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Marie Weller - Towcester Suffragette

Author: Sue Hamilton Published: 8th October 2021 10:59

WI had carried out extensive research on Marie Weller (Ashby) and her involvement with the Suffragette Movement.WI had carried out extensive research on Marie Weller (Ashby) and her involvement with the Suffragette Movement.

Writing to AboutMyArea/NN12 Sue Hamilton of Towcester Evening WI said, "Back in 2018, the Centenary Year of the Suffragette Movement, Towcester Evening WI celebrated the life of Marie Weller in a gathering at her graveside in the Towcester Cemetery along with her Great Nephew and his family, and the Towcester Mayor.  Our WI had carried out extensive research on Marie Weller (Ashby) and her involvement with the Suffragette Movement.

"When we were informed that the new primary school was to be named after her we were thrilled and we are currently working with one of their trustees, sharing Marie’s story with the school.

|The one gap in our research has always been the lack of a photo of Marie but we are now delighted to announce that we have received some photos from Marie’s Great Nephew.

"These will help to bring alive the story of Marie; her place in the history of Towcester; and her legacy to help win the vote for women in this country."

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