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Blencowe Beer Bottle Found Near Abthorpe

Author: John Riches Published: 12th April 2010 09:10

Embossed Blencowe's beer bottle similar to that found by Rob CapurroEmbossed Blencowe's
beer bottle similar to
that found by Rob

Rob Capurro from Abthorpe was walking towards Bucknell's Wood using Brackley Lane - a wonderfully scenic rural by-way that stretches from the centre of the village into the countryside. Just before the first gate across the lane Rob saw a piece of glass sticking out of the mud underfoot. As it was potentially dangerous for his dog and other animals that frequently traverse that way he picked it up.

To his surprise he extracted a whole beer bottle and whilst ferreting around found another that was similar. One bottle was embossed with the label W Blencowe & Co Ltd - Brackley and still had a hard stopper inserted into its mouth. Rob was fascinated by his find and determined to discover some of its history. As Blencowe's ceased to exist when it was acquired by Hall's Oxford and West Brewery in 1925 it seems there is a good chance that Rob's bottles are at least 85 years old.

Northampton Records Office documents show that back in 1925 The New Inn here in the village was part of Blencowe's estate with Charles Thomas Smith as the landlord. There is a large photograph in the pub to this day showing the Blencowe's sign over the pub's main entrance with Charles Smith's name prominent. Records show that the Hook Norton Brewery bought five of Blencowe's pubs back in 1925 for a total of £3,175 but it is uncertain whether our pub was one of that five.

Rob Capurro says that he is amazed that unbroken historic bottles were found embedded in a much travelled lane and proves the old adage that one person's junk is another's treasure.

John Riches


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Richard M
At 12:27 on 15th June 2010, Richard M commented:
There is a very active group www.blencowefamilies.com who have a reunion in at Blencow in Cumbria at the end of June.
My 3 x gt grandfather William Blencowe was innkeeper at the Whitmore Arms in Hethe, over the border in Oxfordshire and started the brewing - there was also an off-licence on the green at the other end of the village (photo in the pub with Blencowe sign). His son William continued the brewing in Brackley, then they linked with a brewery in Cannock which continued after Brackley closed. Strangely the descendent's got into temperance and associated religions which unfortunately didn't sit too well with the beer. Doh!.
Richard May (~May~Howitt~Bayliss~Blencowe)
Lawrence D
At 08:15 on 5th October 2011, Lawrence D commented:
Lastricate week i bought (for £2) a earthenware beer cask which is beige/brown in colour with a cork in the top and probably holds around 5 lt. On the front in huge embossed letters it has 'W.Blencowe and Co Ltd. Brewers, Brackley. I came across it accidentally in a junk resale yard in Leamington Spa whilst we were looking for some 2nd hand furniture for our student house!
Kate M
At 18:17 on 21st September 2023, Kate M commented:
Hi this is a message for Richard. I occupy the shop premises at 19 Market place Brackley. Old photographs show my shop originally being The Wheatsheaf. A pub owned by the Blencowes Brewery of Brackley directly behind it. If you know if any history of this inn or have photos we would be extremely grateful.
Kate M
At 18:17 on 21st September 2023, Kate M commented:
Hi this is a message for Richard. I occupy the shop premises at 19 Market place Brackley. Old photographs show my shop originally being The Wheatsheaf. A pub owned by the Blencowes Brewery of Brackley directly behind it. If you know if any history of this inn or have photos we would be extremely grateful.

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