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Town Mayor's Cheese & Wine Night

Author: Kathryn Hunter Published: 16th April 2024 18:46
  Towcester Mill Brewery is holding its very first Cheese & Wine Night on Saturday 27 April 2024 in aid of the Towcester Town Mayor's Charities.
Towcester Mill Brewery is holding its very first Cheese & Wine Night on Saturday 27 April 2024 in aid of the Towcester Town Mayor's Charities.

Brewery director, John, will be hosting an evening pairing a selection of four wines - a French Merlot, a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, a French Cabernet Sauvignon and a South African Chardonnay - along with four different cheeses sourced from local cheesemonger, Cheese On Towcest'.

Towcester Town Mayor, David Tarbun, said, " We are so looking forward to this Cheese & Wine Night and, with the Mill's support, are hoping to raise a few hundred pounds for my three very worthwhile charities; the Towcester Foodbank, The Lighthouse Centre and Towcester's Renew 169 Wellbeing Cafe. It'll be my last event as Mayor so I do hope as many people as possible take up this opportunity to come along and enjoy a fabulous evening of delicious wine and delicious cheese!"

The Cheese & Wine night will take place in the Malt Room on the second floor. Tickets cost £24pp and can be purchased via the Mill's website www.towcestermillbrewery.co.uk.
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