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Lib Dems Welcome A5 Traffic Scheme

Author: Martin Johns - Lib Dem Published: 7th June 2023 11:36

Liberal Democrats have welcomed the scheme agreed by National Highways to rid Towcester of HGVs, improve air quality and road safety, preserve local history, and help make Towcester an even more attractive place to visit and shop.

Liberal Democrats have welcomed the scheme agreed by National Highways to rid Towcester of HGVs, improve air quality and road safety, preserve local history, and help make Towcester an even more attractive place to visit and shop.

Councillor Martin Johns says “Liberal Democrats have campaigned hard for several years for Towcester to have a Clean Air Zone. The adopted scheme meets most of our objectives. During an extensive public consultation, a large majority of people supported our preferred scheme. This will provide a safer and cleaner environment for people to use and enjoy our historic town centre.”

The agreed scheme will mean easier and safer access to the town centre for pedestrians and cyclists. It will provide improved crossings and enable the Market Square to be used as an attractive public space. A 20mph speed limit is included, as is a 7.5t environmental weight restriction between the new link road and the Old Tiffield Road junction.

Councillor Martin Johns adds “Liberal Democrats are however, still very concerned that because West Northamptonshire Council is failing to enforce planning agreements, the new A5/A43 link road will not be open until 2025. Work on the town centre traffic calming scheme will not be started until the new link road is open.”


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Frank M
At 16:00 on 28th June 2023, Frank M commented:
What does “ a 7.5 t environmental weight restriction” mean?

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