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Closure order issued on Towcester home following drug related anti-social behaviour

Author: Craig Forsyth Published: 12th December 2023 10:46

A house in Towcester has been issued with a closure order following concerns around drug dealing and anti-social behaviour from members of the public.

A house in Towcester has been issued with a closure order following concerns around drug dealing and anti-social behaviour from members of the public.

Reports from local residents highlighted that the council-owned property, located in Caernarvon Close, was being used for the supply and use of drugs by the occupier and his associates and attracting persistent illicit behaviour, causing the community a high level of alarm and distress.

Last week (7 December 2023), Northamptonshire Police and West Northamptonshire Council’s (WNC) Anti-Social Behaviour team successfully obtained a closure order to shut down the property under Part 4 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

The council and the police worked with Grand Union Housing Group to gather the evidence needed to obtain the closure order at Northampton Magistrates Court.

The property will be secured and boarded to allow only Grand Union Housing and emergency services staff authorisation to enter. Any unauthorised person who enters the property will be committing a criminal offence.

Cllr David Smith, WNC’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Engagement, and Regulatory Services, said: “Anti-social behaviour can have a devastating impact on the lives of victims and as a council we are committed to tackling the growing challenges around this crime and creating safer communities.

“Thanks to a partnership effort we have managed to obtain this closure order and I hope it demonstrates that we are passionate about listening to residents and acting on the things that are concerning them.

“We strongly urge people not to suffer in silence if they experience anti-social behaviour and to report all incidents to our anti-social behaviour team via our website, or to the police if people feel that they are at immediate risk or in danger.”

Closure orders last for a period of 3 months and can be extended further if necessary. They are used when other approaches to tackling anti-social behaviour have been unsuccessful and aim to protect residents living in the neighbourhood by preventing criminal behaviour taking place in or around a property.

PC Jim King, of the Towcester Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “We don’t underestimate the impact such problem properties can have on those around them, and we rely on information from our communities and partners to get the evidence needed to secure closure orders like this.

“Those using this address have caused a repeated nuisance to the community here, through general noise and loud music, to the smell of drug use and constant comings and goings.

“It has been a long process to get to this point and finally be able to put a stop to the behaviour associated with this property, but it has been well worth it.”

Sergeant Wyn Hughes, who coordinates the application process for closure orders at Northamptonshire Police, added: “When we were placing details of the closure order on the property earlier this week a passer-by approached us and asked what we were doing.

“When we explained the closure order and what it would mean, this person’s relief was visible and they became quite emotional as they told us ‘it has been hell’. That sort of response is humbling to see and is exactly why partnership work like this is so important.”

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At 01:11 on 17th December 2023, Scott.L.Pileckas commented:
This is great insight and a relief for many of my elderly and vulnerable clients in Towcester. Thank you Craig! -"Scott L Pileckas"

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