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Ridgway House care home in Towcester is to close following a decision by Conservative councillors

Author: Kate Nash - Lib Dem Published: 17th January 2024 13:17

Cllr Lisa Samiotis and Stewart Tolley, Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson, at Ridgway House,Cllr Lisa Samiotis and Stewart Tolley, Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson, at Ridgway House,


The decision to close the much-valued local care home was opposed by the Liberal Democrats and others, at a meeting of West Northants Council’s cabinet meeting.

Speaking at the meeting against closing Ridgway House, Martin Johns said: “The majority of local residents of Towcester and indeed those who use Towcester as their local centre, are urging West Northants Council to delay the proposed closure and go back to a previous plan for a new care home in the Towcester. 

Towcester’s local MP supports pausing closure and has gained considerable support for a petition. There’s irony in this, given that over the past 14 years of her government, public services have been hollowed out and social care neglected. Therefore, I have some sympathy with the council as it struggles to meet increasing needs within an ever-decreasing budget. Some sympathy: but not a great deal, as Ridgway House had been neglected for a very long time, by the failed Conservative run Northamptonshire County Council, and more recently by West Northants Council.”

At the meeting, Liberal Democrat councillor for Towcester, Lisa Samiotis voiced her strong opposition to closing Ridgway House. Cllr Samiotis also questioned what would happen to the site if Ridgway House was sold. Commenting: “This site needs to continue to be used for community benefit in Towcester, such as perhaps supporting medical facilities that are in need of expansion.” 

Martin Johns in his closing statement said: “Can we please find a solution that would provide both value for money, and a high standard of care in Towcester for those in their final stage of life to live with dignity, supported by their family and friends locally.”


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Ian McCord
At 15:07 on 19th January 2024, Ian McCord commented:
Had this been in Northampton would they have closed it? WNC cannot see beyond the 30mph limit at Northampton and only act in the interests of the large urban centre. The rural areas and market towns are losing out time and again, this being just the latest example.

Ian McCord - Ind
peter k
At 09:39 on 31st January 2024, peter k commented:
Further to the understandable annoyance over this closure is that the consultation meeting attended by various local figures took place after WNC had decided to close the Centre. Those in local communities just despair when this sort of overbearing action is taken.
Ian McCord
At 09:52 on 31st January 2024, Ian McCord commented:
Peter K - there is not a passing bandwagon that the local MP will not care to jump on - just like a footballer who always arrives just a second or two late for the tackle - the petition was raised not during the consultation but a few days before the final recommendation was made by the cabinet - way too late, but it allows the MP to confuse activity for progress.

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