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Relaunch of Towcester Farmers Market

Author: Nick Holder Published: 9th September 2019 16:24
Relaunch of Towcester Farmers MarketRelaunch of Towcester Farmers Market

Friday 13th September 2019 sees a major relaunch of the Towcester Farmers Market in an effort to improve the attraction of the regular event.

The market takes place on every second Friday of each month, in Richmond Road car park in Towcester, next to Dominos, and runs from 9am to 1.30pm, and the September one promises to be the biggest for a long time.

Through visiting many local markets, speaking to stall holders and customers, and including an advertising campaign in all of the surrounding villages, the market is expected to be a great success. There will be new stalls, as well as some returning stall holders, to join in with the existing and long established vendors who have been attending the market for years.

There is a great mix of products and produce available from the 13 stalls expected to attend the relaunch event, and with more new stalls anticipated in the coming months, the market should be rejuvenated at a time when some markets are struggling.

There is also the unique element to some of the stock that can be bought, and all stall holders are local, making the market a great outlet for smaller businesses in the area.

The Towcester and District Lions Club have been running the market since 2005, taking over from South Northants Council, and it is now run by Lions volunteers. All money raised goes to charities that the Lions club support.

For more information, to get involved, or even to give comments or feedback, please get in touch with Nick Holder, the Towcester Farmers Market manager, at nickholder@btinternet.com or on 01327 352647.
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