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More Alcohol at the Towcester Farmers Market

Author: Nick Holder Published: 4th October 2021 11:26
  This month sees the return of Cairn O Mohr with their selection of wines and ciders, along with a new stall, Lactodorum Whiskey, so there will be a greater range of alcohol available this month.This month sees the return of Cairn O Mohr with their selection of wines and ciders, along with a new stall, Lactodorum Whiskey, so there will be a greater range of alcohol available this month.
The Towcester Farmers Market will take place on Friday 8th October 2021, from 9am to 1.30pm, in Richmond Road car park, and sees a couple of changes this month.
This month sees the return of Cairn O Mohr with their selection of wines and ciders, along with a new stall, Lactodorum Whiskey, so there will be a greater range of alcohol available this month.
We also have a brand new catering business attending, offering hot food and drinks on the day, and they may be just what some customers need if organising their own events too. 
For up to date information on stall holders, check out the Towcester Farmers Market page on Facebook, which is updated to include the very latest news. We may still have late changes to the market in any given month.
Appropriate social distancing measures remain in place to meet with current Government guidelines, and customers are asked to follow that advice to make the market safe to visit.
For more information, to get involved, or even to give comments or feedback, please get in touch with Nick Holder, the Towcester Farmers Market manager, at nickholder@btinternet.com or on 01327 352647.
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