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Battle Of Britain Flight Dakota Over Tove Valley

Published: 25th May 2012 09:43

Quick snap of Batlle of Britain Flight Dakota last nightQuick snap of Batlle of Britain Flight Dakota last night

The evening of Thursday 24th May was one with the air filled with the sounds of birds and the odd lawn mower, it was warm and not quite still.

Suddenly there was the familiar sound of a low flying propeller aircraft - the Editor of AboutMyArea/NN12 was sitting out side chatting, literally leapt up to get his trusty camera.

Panning in the direction of the noise the Battle of Britain Flight Dakota could be seen flying low over Alderton and the Tove Valley.

Rattling off eight of so frames very quickly the above snap reveals the second world war vintage aircraft in its D Day colours.

Actually technically its not a great shot, shutter speed of 2500 is way to high - hence the frozen propellers, I would have preferred a much slower shutter speed and they would have been blurred - having said that if I had used the fraction of second I needed to change the mode on the camera - I would not have got any shot at all.


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