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Culture Minister Praises Northants Libraries After Towcester Visit

Author: Annalee Bougourd Published: 5th February 2014 15:43

 minister for culture, communications and creative industries, Ed Vaizey MP in Towcester on MondayMinister for culture, communications and creative industries, Ed Vaizey MP in Towcester on Monday, with County Councillors Andre de Savage and Leader Jim Harker.

Northamptonshire County Council’s library service has been praised by minister for culture, communications and creative industries, Ed Vaizey MP.

The minister visited Towcester and Corby libraries during a trip to the county on Monday 3rd February.

During his visit, the minister met with county council deputy leader Councillor Heather Smith, chief executive Paul Blantern, head of library service Grace Kempster and library staff.

Councillor Smith said: "I was pleased to have the opportunity to discuss with the minister the great contribution our library service, which is known as LibraryPlus, makes to communities in Northamptonshire.

"In addition to excellent library services, we provide a range of other services that support Northamptonshire’s economic and community wellbeing, from renewing bus passes to combating social isolation through library-based activities to advising people on job and business opportunities.

"This includes our Enterprise Hubs, a joint project with Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership which so far has helped 700 people with their business start-up journey.

"It was also a chance to highlight how volunteering is a cornerstone of the LibraryPlus service and how volunteers help the libraries to offer extra services whilst also gaining work experience."

Mr Vaizey said: "The library service in Northamptonshire has been designed with a clear focus on the needs of their communities, with Sunday opening and innovative use of volunteers helping to ensure that all their libraries remain open and provide wide range of support and services for the community. It’s an example from which others can learn.  I know they are active in collaborating with other public library authorities and I want to see this continue and grow in the future."


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