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Rose and Castle Morris Men To Celeberate 40th Year On New Year's Day

Author: Rose and Castle Morris Published: 28th December 2017 09:22

"We'll be dancing outside our HQ, The Boat Inn - Stoke Bruerne, with our sister side Queen's Oak, from 12 noon for however long the weather/audience allows.

Speaking to aboutmyaera/nn12 a spokesperson for the Rose and Castle Morris said, "All of Rose and Castle Morris hope you have had an excellent festive season so far.

"If you've not had an opportunity to see any of the boxing day dances by other sides, or if you need more, why not come andcelebrate the start of the new year with us?

"We'll be dancing outside our HQ, The Boat Inn - Stoke Bruerne, with our sister side Queen's Oak, from 12 noon for however long the weather/audience allows.

"Tthen we'll settle into bar for songs, tunes, andbeer aplenty.

"It will mark the start of our 40th year celebrations and is an excellent opportunity to see what being part of the Morris is about. See you there."


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