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Lib Dems Urge People to have their say on DHL Proposal

Author: Martin Johns - Lib Dem Published: 21st April 2021 18:20
Lib Dems Urge People to have their say on DHL ProposalLib Dems Urge People to have their say on DHL Proposal

Liberal Democrats are urging Towcester residents to have their say over DHL’s development proposal.  Following the collapse of the mismanaged Northamptonshire County Council, the now scrapped, Conservative controlled South Northamptonshire Council allocated the site for business and commercial development in their Local Plan last year. Going against both the opinion and action of our local MP, Conservative election candidates are saying they oppose the inclusion of football facilities for young people. However, this is the chance for local people to have their say and comment on the details.

Councillor David Tarbun says: “Liberal Democrats believe such a development could create many new local jobs, but we must ensure it isn’t accessed via Towcester Town Centre. Lib Dems are calling for a Clean Air Zone for Towcester, for de-trunking the A5, and a bypass. We cannot support DHL traffic going through our town, either to or from this site.”

Martin Johns says: “I’m very disappointed that Conservative candidates for Towcester and Roade are so opposed to the inclusion of football pitches. It’s probably because most of them aren’t local and have no idea of the need, or of local issues generally, or of how much support for sports pitches there is in Towcester.

These Conservative candidates should have spoken first to our local MP, Andrea Leadsom, who strongly supported the inclusion of football facilities on this site in her letter to the Planning Inspectorate in 2019. In her letter, our MP also praised Lisa Samiotis for her hard work on both the scheme and TTFC.

Such a facility would be fantastic for local young people who have very limited facilities for football in Towcester. It’s been a scandal that because of the high cost of land, young people in our town haven’t the facilities that many do in even small villages.”

Councillor Martin Johns adds: “In informal discussions, the town council has already stressed the need to mitigate the impact of this site on the environment and road network. Comprehensive screening, careful site layout and restricting lighting are also a given.”

Councillor Lisa Samiotis says: “I would urge local people to comment on the proposals from DHL. Conservative run South Northamptonshire Council included this site in its Local Plan, but the details will need to be approved by the new council. Unfortunately, Conservatives have proposed these plans will be considered by a centralised planning committee, dominated by councillors from Northampton.”
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At 09:03 on 23rd April 2021, JimmyB commented:
Well said and well done for getting something for community out of this situation. Hopefully the case to look into the traffic issue will be taken up by whoever is elected. It needs to be.

Funny how to Conservatives seem to want the DHL site but seem to have an odd issue with the Football Club. Probably because they did not negotiate it themselves.
peter k
At 13:47 on 26th April 2021, peter k commented:
The telling phrase in the last sentence of the above article is "centralised planning committee".

This committee will no doubt consider planning applications for household extensions as well as major area developments in West Northants.

What say will the likes of Towcester have on this committee? Who will chair the committee? Which councillors, and to what alliances will they have in being members of the committee? Will the make-up of the committee be adjusted such that items of particular interest to an area, have representatives from that area in attendance and with voting rights?

Questions, questions, which I feel need to be answered as we move to the sunny uplands predicted?
At 14:55 on 18th September 2021, Tina commented:
Are the Liberal Democrats and others willing to sacrifice the benefits of a good environment ( at least 1200 employees travelling mainly by car to the new depot plus however many HGVs, noise, air quality and light pollution. Traffic congestion down the A5 and no doubt through Towcester and on the A43 whatever they say for the sake of a new football pitch? The teams of youngsters won’t be able to walk there so that’s more car usage. Surely there are better options than this!

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