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Self Isolation no longer required for double jabbed

Author: Northamptonshire Local Resilience Forum Published: 13th August 2021 13:26
Lucy Wightman Joint Director of Public Health - North and West Northamptonshire Councils says:    “On Monday we can take another huge step towards our normal lives again by removing self-isolation requirements for double vaccinated people or those under 18 who are contacts of people with COVID-19.Lucy Wightman Joint Director of Public Health - North and West Northamptonshire Councils says:  “On Monday we can take another huge step towards our normal lives again by removing self-isolation requirements for double vaccinated people or those under 18 who are contacts of people with COVID-19.

Public Health Officials implore Northamptonshire’s residents to continue to test, get both jabs and adopt COVID-Safe behaviours as self-isolation is no longer required for double vaccinated close contacts and under 18s next week.

From Monday 16 August 2021, people who are double vaccinated or aged under 18 will no longer be legally required to self-isolate if they are identified as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case by NHS Test and Trace. The rule will apply as long as the individual is either under 18 or has received their final dose of the vaccine at least 14 days prior to contact with a positive case.

Close contacts will be still be advised to take a PCR test as soon as possible to check if they have the virus and for variants of concern but will not be required to self-isolate while they wait for the results. Anyone who tests positive following the PCR test will still be legally required to self-isolate, irrespective of their vaccination status or age in order to break onward chains of transmission. People can order a PCR home test online or by calling 119, or can undertake a test at a local test site.

As double jabbed people identified as close contacts are still at risk of being infected, Public Health officials are urging people to adopt other precautions such as wearing a face covering in enclosed spaces, and limiting contact with other people, especially with anyone who is clinically extremely vulnerable.

The following groups will be still be required to self-isolate, should they be identified as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 PCR test result:

       Those who have not received both doses of their COVID-19 vaccination

       Those who have received their second dose within the last 14 days

       Those who have tested positive following a PCR test

       Those who have been fully vaccinated and are displaying COVID-19 symptoms (they must isolate until they have the result of a PCR test).

All residents are being reminded that if they have symptoms they must get a PCR test and, even if they have no symptoms, to take twice weekly Lateral Flow Tests. It’s important not to confuse the two and put others at risk.

If you have any of the symptoms detailed below, get a PCR test (test that is sent to a lab) immediately to check if you have coronavirus and stay at home until you get your result, even if the symptoms are mild.

The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

a high temperature this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)

a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

If you are not showing symptoms, then make sure you are twice weekly lateral flow testing to safely ensure you are not unwittingly spreading COVID-19 which only presents itself with symptoms in one in three people.


Lucy Wightman Joint Director of Public Health - North and West Northamptonshire Councils says: 

 “On Monday we can take another huge step towards our normal lives again by removing self-isolation requirements for double vaccinated people or those under 18 who are contacts of people with COVID-19. However, it is still the case that double jabbed people or those under 18 will need to self-isolate if they test positive and that close contacts must continue to come forward for a PCR test, in order to detect the virus and variants of concern.

“As further restrictions ease, regular Lateral Flow testing, getting both jabs and ensuring we are adopting COVID-safe behaviours as we go about our daily lives remains critical to controlling the virus. The coronavirus has not gone away, in fact cases across the county have risen slightly this week, so extreme caution is key. We need to continue to be careful. We can meet up with others in well-ventilated areas - outdoors is ideal or indoors with windows open. We can wear a face covering when coming into contact with people we don’t normally meet in enclosed and crowded spaces, and cover our nose and mouth when we cough and sneeze. It is also crucial to consider individual risks, such as clinical vulnerabilities and vaccination status when mixing with others and to tailor our behaviours accordingly. “

The change was announced last month, as part of Step 4 of the Government’s COVID-19 roadmap and have been given the go ahead for next week as a result of the success of the UK’s vaccine programme, with over three quarters of UK adults now double jabbed. The latest data from Public Health England and Cambridge University shows that around 60,000 deaths, 22 million infections and 66,900 hospitalisations have been prevented by the vaccines.

Pregnant women are at risk of getting severely ill with COVID-19, particularly in their third trimester.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the Royal College of Midwives have both recommended vaccinations as one of the best defences for pregnant women against severe COVID-19 infection, and the independent JCVI confirms the jab has been shown to be effective and safe for women carrying a baby. The Chief Midwifery Officer for England is also urging expectant mums to get the COVID-19 vaccine after new data shows the overwhelming majority of pregnant women hospitalised with the virus have not had a jab. New data also show that one in five women admitted to hospital with serious COVID symptoms went on to give birth prematurely, and the likelihood of delivery by caesarean section doubled. One in five babies born to mothers with COVID symptoms were also admitted to neonatal units.


The following COVID-Safe behaviours are recommended by the government and Public Health officials:

·      getting both doses of the vaccine

·      testing twice weekly through the use of lateral flow tests

·      meeting in well-ventilated areas where possible, such as outdoors or indoors with windows open

·      wearing a face covering where you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet in enclosed and crowded spaces

·      washing your hands with soap and water or using hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day

·      covering your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze

·      staying at home if unwell, to reduce the risk of passing on other illnesses onto friends, family, colleagues, and others in your community

·      considering individual risks, such as clinical vulnerabilities and vaccination status when mixing.  


It’s not too late to get jabbed

·      The Vaccination Centre in Moulton Park now offers drop-ins every day from 8am to 7.30pm. Drop-in time at other sites vary and people should check availability, opening hours and eligibility before visiting. Please bring along your NHS number if you have one, which you can easily find online at nhs.uk/nhs-services/online-services/find-nhs-number/ Anyone unable to attend a drop-in clinic can still book an appointment at existing local vaccination sites, either online at nhs.uk/coronavirus-vaccine, by calling 119 or by contacting their GP practice.


Lateral Flow Testing

There are a variety of ways in which you can access lateral flow testing:

Some Community Asymptomatic Testing sites are in operation across the county: https://www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/coronavirusupdates/covid-19-testing/Pages/community-based-testing-centres.aspx.  

You can also access tests through the Community Collect service, where you can pick up packs for home use. You can find your nearest by visiting: https://www.gov.uk/find-covid-19-lateral-flow-test-site , You can also order test kits for home delivery at: https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests.

· Residents are also being urged to strictly follow all self-isolation guidance. For the full self-isolation guidance see here.

· If you have COVID-19 symptoms, remember to get a PCR test as soon as possible to find out if you are positive. If you have a high temperature, continuous cough or loss of or change in sense of smell or taste, you should immediately self-isolate and book a PCR test. Tests can be booked on the Test and Trace app, online at nhs.uk/coronavirus, or by calling 119.

· Tests can be booked on the Test and Trace app, online at nhs.uk/coronavirus or by calling 119. Home testing kits can also be ordered subject to availability
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