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The Tombles of Towcester

Author: Catharine Tarbun Published: 12th February 2024 10:01

This week Towcester Primary school students and teachers are heading out into the community calling themselves The Tombles (Towcester Wombles!), to help keep the town clean from litter. Classes are being paired up to work together to see how much litter they can collect in 20-30 minutes before coming back to school to have it weighed!

This week Towcester Primary school students and teachers are heading out into the community calling themselves The Tombles (Towcester Wombles!), to help keep the town clean from litter. Classes are being paired up to work together to see how much litter they can collect in 20-30 minutes before coming back to school to have it weighed! 

The students are having an assembly at the beginning of the week to talk to them about litter, where it can come from and why it is important to pick it up, as well as informing them what to wear and what to avoid picking up for safety reasons. 

Towcester Primary have worked closely with West Northants Council Street Cleaning Team and Towcester Rotary as they support the school in providing bags, signage and all the equipment they need to litter pick. 

Headteacher, Sally Beaton says 'We are so proud of our pupils who will be showing a great sense of citizenship and community spirit by doing something to make a difference to everyone who lives in Towcester. Our school takes great pride in developing citizens who make a positive contribution to their community and this is a perfect example of their efforts - we hope that everyone can tell the areas that have been Tombled!'

The school are aware that local groups and residents litter pick during the year and they want to support this and encourage their students to continue this outside of school. 

This is not going to be the last litter pick they are planning to do; watch out for other litter picks later in the year! 



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