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Students learn how to be a good citizen at 2-day event

Author: Craig Forsyth Published: 18th February 2024 08:44

Over 650 Year 6 students from 12 Primary Schools attended the event at The Deco Theatre, Northampton, on February 6 and 7 2024.

Students from Primary Schools across Northampton learned about being a good citizen and personal safety in the second Young Citizen’s Day Event of this academic year.

Over 650 Year 6 students from 12 Primary Schools attended the event at The Deco Theatre, Northampton, on February 6 and 7 2024.

The day was developed by West Northamptonshire Council’s Community Safety and Engagement Team and funded by the Northamptonshire Serious Violence Prevention Partnership.

Watch our video of the event below:

The two-day event aimed to give young people a greater understanding of emergency services, to instil an understanding of personal safety and to encourage being considerate towards others.

The students took part in a variety of engaging interactive workshops and group presentations delivered by agencies from across Northamptonshire. These included substance abuse, rail and road safety, crime prevention and personal safety, hate crime, online safety and serious violence. During their lunchbreak students watched an engaging performance by Rushden Academy.

Cllr David Smith, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Engagement and Regulatory Services at West Northamptonshire Council, said:

“The Young Citizens schemes gives us the opportunity to work proactively with children and young people to explore community safety issues and encourage them to be good citizens. The event provides a greater understanding of emergency services, imparts essential safety skills and cultivates compassion towards others.

“We are proud to be involved in such an impactful event and hope that the experience gained will equip these students for their futures.”

And Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Moldadded:  “It’s so important that local partners work together to help inform young people and encourage them to make the right choices in life.

“I am delighted that the Serious Violence Partnership has been able to fund such a fantastic event. I’m sure the students who attended will have found it really beneficial in helping to improve their awareness and ensure they can stay safe in their local communities.”

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