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Grants scheme launched to support debt and money

Author: Craig Forsyth Published: 20th February 2024 11:36

West Northamptonshire Council has launched a new £770k grants scheme to support Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisation initiatives providing debt and money advice and immigration support services in West Northants.

West Northamptonshire Council has launched a new £770k grants scheme to support Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisation initiatives providing debt and money advice and immigration support services in West Northants.

The grant funding will be available from 1 April 2024 to 30 March 2026 for eligible projects or services. These can be new initiatives, existing projects or services, or expansions of existing projects or services that:

  • Help to prevent people from experiencing debt and financial crisis by providing early intervention and support around issues such as bankruptcy, foreclosure and eviction.
  • Provide debt management and money advice services to enable people to contain and manage their debt obligations. This can be by creating manageable repayment plans, advocating services, negotiating with creditors and landlords, or other forms of support to avoid people falling deeper into debt.
  • Provide tailored welfare and benefit advice enabling people to maximise their entitlement to welfare support and reduce and contain their debt obligations.
  • Promote financial stability and security by helping people to build a foundation that reduces future financial stress and uncertainty.
  • Improve financial literacy by providing support, education and resources, particularly in the areas of how to budget and manage debt effectively.
  • Empower residents to take control of their financial lives and equip them with the knowledge, skills and resources to overcome financial obstacles, achieve goals, and work towards a brighter financial future.
  • Reduce socioeconomic inequality by providing communities who may be disproportionately affected by financial challenges with access to quality debt and money advice.
  • Improve overall economic impact by reducing personal debt levels and contributing to economic growth and stability at both the individual and societal levels.

In addition, grant funding is available for existing projects or services that provide immigration support, including those that:

  • Provide individuals with legal guidance to understand their rights, options, and obligations under immigration law. This also includes the navigation of the immigration processes, which can be complex and daunting, especially for individuals who may not be familiar with the legal system or who face language barriers.
  • Protect Human Rights and ensure that individuals fleeing persecution, violence, or other forms of harm have the opportunity to seek protection and immigration in accordance with international Human Rights standards. These services should also safeguard the rights and dignity of vulnerable immigrants.
  • Empower individuals to make informed decisions about their migration journey and reduce their vulnerability to exploitation and abuse by unscrupulous individuals or organisations.
  • Help individuals to understand their eligibility for various services and benefits such as healthcare and education and support with applications and documentation to ensure that migrants can access the resources they need to rebuild their lives in a new country.
  • Support family reunification, promote integration and enable social cohesion and contributions to society.

Cllr David Smith, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Engagement, and Regulatory Services at West Northamptonshire Council, said: “This grant funding will not only help to improve the lives of local people by supporting them to become debt free and avoid financial crisis, it will also help those on their migration journey who might be at risk of abuse and exploitation.

“We are extremely grateful to all of our fantastic VCSE partners who continue to deliver this vital work and support our residents and communities, and I encourage all those who are eligible for this funding to apply.”

Further information and the full criteria for applications can be found on the WNC website and in the Council’s Community Funding Grants Framework.

If you would like an application form or wish to speak to the Community Funding Grants Team about your project or your eligibility to apply for this grant, email: communitygrants@westnorthants.gov.uk including your contact telephone number.

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