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New Mayor for Towcester

Author: Lizzi Bucklow-Holt Published: 16th May 2024 11:32
 Cllr Reynolds' chosen charities for the year will be Dogs for Good, South Northants Youth Engagement and Macmillan Cancer Support.
At the Annual Meeting of Towcester Town Council, held on Monday 13th May 2024, Cllr Damian Reynolds was duly elected as the Town Mayor of Towcester for the ensuing year. 

"It is a huge honour for me to be elected as Town Mayor for 2024-25. This is my second time as Mayor for Towcester. The first being during 2021, when we were just about coming out of lockdown. A very different time when we were making our first tentative steps out into the community again."

Cllr Reynolds' chosen charities for the year will be Dogs for Good, South Northants Youth Engagement and Macmillan Cancer Support.

"Dogs for Good train dogs to help people affected by disability, dementia, autism, and other conditions and mental-health challenges — to live happier, healthier, more independent lives. These are dogs that open doors, that connect people, that bring families together, dogs that help make everyday life possible in so many ways.

South Northants Youth Engagement is a local charity which aims to advance in life and relieve needs of young people living in South Northants and its surrounding area. The charity provides recreational and leisure-time activities provided in the interests of social welfare, designed to improve their conditions of life. It also provides support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals.

Macmillan Cancer Support is here to do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer. The number of people being diagnosed with cancer is rising and more people are surviving cancer than ever before. This means the nature of cancer care itself needs to adapt and evolve to meet the rapidly changing needs of people living with cancer. Macmillan provide expert advice and information and trained Health and social care professionals among many other services.

I hope that you can help us raise as much as we can over the next year both in terms of funds and awareness for these important charities."

Cllr Rachel Dando L'Olive was also elected as Deputy Mayor for 2024/25.

The Town Mayor chairs Full Council meetings and represents Towcester at local, county and sometimes regional events and functions, but does not have any additional powers to that of other councillors. All invitations are welcomed, particularly those from local groups, schools, and charities. Invitations for the Town Mayor should be sent to Towcester Town Council, Town Hall, 86 Watling Street East, Towcester NN12 6BS or emailed to admin@towcester-tc.gov.uk 

Towcester Town Council is the first tier of local government and acts on behalf the residents of the civil parish of Towcester.  Councillors are all unpaid volunteers from the local community, supported by a small team of staff. For more information, visit www.towcester-tc.gov.uk
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