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A Paperless Christmas? Impossible!

Author: Louise Gibney Published: 11th December 2012 09:57

A Paperless Christmas? Impossible!A Paperless Christmas? Impossible!We know Christmas would be nearly impossible to make a paper-free event, but South Northamptonshire Council is calling on households to do their best to make it a ‘green’ Christmas by recycling all your cards, boxes and wrapping paper.

It might not be feasible to cut out all paper and cardboard from your festive decorations, greetings cards, food packaging and gifts, but what you can do is treat the rubbish as a resource, and recycle it.  This is a really effective way for households to cut waste, and at the same time help reduce carbon emissions, save energy and ease the pressure on Council Tax and space at local landfill sites.

With the average household expected to generate an extra 30 per cent of rubbish over the festive period we are keen to remind residents that they can use their green recycling box for (non foil) wrapping paper, and their black recycling box for card (including greetings cards), foil-based wrapping paper and cardboard boxes. Please note, cellophane cannot be recycled.

Councillor Bambridge, portfolio holder for environmental services, said: “Paper is one of the largest types of waste residents in South Northamptonshire produce and we should all remember to recycle. It is also worth a lot of money as a material, so collecting paper helps to fund our recycling service.”  

Don’t forget, you can also recycle your cans, plastic food packaging and bottles, and glass bottles and jars.

Please check www.southnorthants.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling for more details.

Think twice this Christmas, before you throw all your cards, wrapping paper and boxes into the bin. Recycling it is an easy and environmentally friendly way to help your household have the greenest Christmas yet.

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