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Volunteer Drivers Needed In South Northants

Author: Gavin Moore Published: 23rd August 2020 17:01

81-year old Enid Armstrong from Shutlanger is a regular passenger of the Towcester Area Door to Door service (TADD) for appointments to the Towcester medical Centre. She said: “The value to people like me is immeasurable”.81-year old Enid Armstrong from Shutlanger is a regular passenger of the Towcester Area Door to Door service (TADD) for appointments to the Towcester medical Centre. She said: “The value to people like me is immeasurable”.

A volunteer service which ensures those without transport in south Northamptonshire can get to medical appointments is appealing for more drivers.

81-year old Enid Armstrong from Shutlanger is a regular passenger of the Towcester Area Door to Door service (TADD) for appointments to the Towcester medical Centre. She said: “The value to people like me is immeasurable”.

“I have family who can help, but they can`t be available every time I need a lift to an appointment”.

“My neighbours can also help, but you don`t want to end up being a nuisance. So this does give me a certain amount of independence."

Mrs Armstrong is typical of the 800 plus TADD members (600 of which have had their 75th birthday) that currently receive help from volunteer drivers.

The service currently undertakes more than 13,000 journeys per year, an average of 60 per day.

TADD operates a booking service which this year is supported by a £2,000 Community Grant from South Northamptonshire Council (SNC).

The booking service matches volunteer drivers with members’ appointments.

Councillor Peter Rawlinson, SNC’s portfolio holder for finance and procurement said: “This is a valuable service to many which not only helps maintain an independent life but saves local authorities and the health service money.

It is also very rewarding for volunteers and I would encourage anyone with a bit of spare time to register as a driver."

Car insurance companies permit driving for TADD without a premium increase and HMRC allows a Tax free mileage allowance to be paid to voluntary drivers.

If you live anywhere in south Northamptonshire and have some flexible free time in your life and would like to help residents in your community by becoming a volunteer driver then please email TADD at tadd@connect.com with your contact details and a Trustee will contact you.

You can also register over the phone 01327 810300 between 9am to 1pm.


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