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Brackley Morris Men 'Open Tasters for all'

Author: Stephen Fernyhough Published: 11th September 2016 09:21
Brackley Morris Men 'Open Tasters for all'Brackley Morris Men 'Open Tasters for all'

The Brackley Morris Men would like to invite you to 'have a go!'
Ever fancied:   Feeling a bit of rhythm, bashing a few sticks, working up a sweat, and then quenching your thirst with a pint?
We’re holding a series of open ‘tasters’ on Thursday evenings:  
  •    When?   15th Sept,   22nd Sept,   29th Sept,   6th Oct,   13th Oct
  •    Where?   8.15pm, Manor Road CE Junior School, NN13 6EE
What to bring?  Just yourself & a happy disposition!  Why not bring a couple of friends too?

It's a good old English tradition and the Brackley Morris Men have been part of our local community for four hundred years.
For more details (and a bit of friendly reassurance!)  call Stephen on 07764 799947

Or visit our website:  http://www.thebrackleymorrismen.org.uk/
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