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The Brackley Morris Men, May Day morning

Author: Stephen Ferneyhough Published: 25th April 2017 12:26

The Brackley Morris Men, May Day morningThe Brackley Morris Men, May Day morning
The Brackley Morris Men have been dancing the sun up on May Day mornings ever since 1964, and this year is no exception. 

They'll be joined by The Northampton Morris Men, Royal Oak Morris and Rapskallian Morris. 

All followed by beer and breakfast in the Red Lion. 

So do come along to Brackley Market Place at 5.30am on Monday 1st May 2017.  All are welcome.

And if you can't make the early morning start, why not come and see us later at the Weston & Weedon Lois Fete, 12.30pm.

The Brackley Morris Men have a long heritage of dancing in Brackley with records going back almost 400 years.

The wesbite has a wealth of details including history, photograps, videos, music, and current diary of events:   www.thebrackleymorrismen.org.uk

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