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Public invited to meet NCC Commissioners

Author: Annalee Bougourd Published: 8th January 2020 09:43
 The drop-in events will be held at district, borough and county council premises throughout Northamptonshire
The drop-in events will be held at district, borough and county council premises throughout Northamptonshire

A series of surgery-style events taking place across the county will give members of the public the opportunity to meet the government-appointed commissioners that oversee finance and governance at Northamptonshire County Council.

The drop-in events will be held at district, borough and county council premises throughout Northamptonshire over the next three months and people can attend for individual fifteen minute sessions with both lead commissioner Tony McArdle and commissioner for finance Brian Roberts.

The commissioners have said they felt it important people had a chance to come and speak with them directly about the council.

The 2020 dates and times for each session are outlined below:

  • January 15: 7pm to 9pm, Northamptonshire County Council, One Angel Square, Angel Street, Northampton
  • January 28: 2pm to 5pm, East Northamptonshire Council, Cedar Drive, Thrapston
  • February 4: 2pm to 4pm, Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry
  • February 11: 10am to 12.30pm, Northampton Borough Council, Guildhall, Northampton
  • February 26: 7pm to 9pm, Borough Council of Wellingborough, Swanspool House, Wellingborough
  • March 3: 7pm to 9pm, Kettering Borough Council, Bowling Green Rd, Kettering
  • March 12: 2pm to 5pm, South Northamptonshire District Council, Moat Lane, Towcester
  • March 17: 1pm to 3.30pm, Corby Borough Council, The Corby Cube, George Street, Corby
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peter k
At 11:51 on 10th January 2020, peter k commented:
As financial overseers I would hope that they look into the use made by Persimmons homes of the 106 funding the SNC handed over to the developers, apparently to speed up their "link" road. I would expect an audit trail of exactly what the town's funding was used for?

Go to it Commissioners

Peter Kelly
Ian McCord
At 19:53 on 15th January 2020, Ian McCord commented:
There are a few misunderstandings with this reply:-

SNC have not handed over any S106 money to Persimmon to speed up the road.
S106 money comes from Persimmon to SNC or NCC or others as set out in the agreement.

SNC have worked with Andrea Leadsom and others to secure money from Highways England to deliver the Relief Road earlier than the completion of the 1016th home. No SNC money has been given, or promised, to Persimmon.

The commissioners are responsible for the finances of NCC not a private company.
peter k
At 09:40 on 16th January 2020, peter k commented:
Thank you Ian for that explanation, although my understanding now is that the developers (Persimmon) pass a sum of money to the councils as a charge to off set planning permission and this is termed S106? Based on this money, the Highways Department have then passed a similar sum to Persimmon to complete the road early?

To return to my original concern over the use being made of what is still public funds, regardless where the funding came from, an audit should be raised to ensure this additional money was used correctly, ie to build this road.

Apart from the funding principle, it still seems that no S106 money comes to Towcester. Or is Towcester included in your comment above regarding "SNC or NCC or others". as an "other"? If so what is Towcester's cut?

Apologies for this rather long reply. However, Towcester does need a little more clarification on any financial gain or not from the development

Peter Kelly

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