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Mixed Tempura Veg

Author: Riverford Organic Published: 28th November 2023 06:32
 Recipe of the week


Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 3 minutes

Serves: 4 people



  • 1kg mixed veg, eg. carrots, courgettes, aubergine, peppers (cut into sticks), broccoli or cauliflower (cut into small florets or the stalks cut into thin sticks)
  • 400g plain flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 600ml chilled bottled sparkling water
  • oil for deep frying
  • paprika or cayenne pepper for sprinkling (optional)



  1. Pat all the veg you are using with kitchen paper to remove any excess moisture (the batter sticks better if they are dry). In a large bowl, whisk the flour and the water together with the salt.
  2. Heat the oil in a deep fat fryer or wok (if you’re comfortable using it for deep frying), until it reaches 180˚C. Working in small batches, toss the veg in in the batter and separate each one before immediately putting it in the fryer.
  3. Cook for 2 mins, turn the veg carefully using heatproof tongs and cook for another min or so, until the batter is lightly browned. Use a slotted spoon to remove each piece, then drain on kitchen paper and sprinkle with paprika or cayenne pepper to serve.

Courtesy of http://www.riverfordsacrewell.co.uk/

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