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Great Bread Sauce

Author: Riverford Organic Published: 5th December 2023 06:51
 Recipe of the week

This recipe makes a really good bread sauce. Having extra onion whizzed in makes it much more interesting.

Preparation Time: 5-10minutes
Cooking Time: 40-50 minutes
Serves: 4 people

    • 2 large onions
    • 4 bay leaves
    • 10 peppercorns
    • A blade of mace or ½ tsp of ground mace
    • 1.6 litres of milk
    • 300 gms fresh white breadcrumbs – blitz de-crusted white, sourdough or pain de campagne,  spread on a tray and leave to dry on top of the oven.
    • 60 gms butter
    • 100 mls double cream.
    • Freshly grated nutmeg


      1. Quarter the onions  and put in  a saucepan with milk, mace, bay leaves and a teaspoon of salt.
      2. Bring to the simmer, simmer for 15 minutes and take off and allow to cool. Ideally do this the night before.
      3. Take out the onions, chop and gently sauté in the butter and a little milk until it is soft. Blitz with stick blender.
      4. Sieve the milk and reheat. Add the breadcrumbs and onions and cook very gently for 15 minutes – stirring.
      5. Add the cream and nutmeg and check the seasoning.




      Courtesy of http://www.riverford.co.uk/

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