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Concern Over Parking Problems at Primary School

Published: 11th February 2008 13:54

THE Rural Safer Community Team in Towcester is looking at a partnership approach to tackling parking problems at Deanshanger Primary School.

The school is worried about the safety of its pupils at the beginning and end of the school day in light of severe traffic congestion at the school gates when the school opens and closes.

Jen Harrison, a Police Community Support Officer on the Towcester Rural SCT, said: “The congestion is happening on a daily basis because of inconsiderate parking by some parents.

“The problem has increased over the years because the village has grown and because of the increase of private transport being used to convey children to and from the school.

“Numerous solutions have been suggested which have only addressed parts of the problem.

“We feel that now would be appropriate time to bring all partners together and formulate a long-term solution to the problem as further increases in population and use of private vehicles will only make the situation worse.”

Police are suggesting the following solutions:-

  • The re-painting of double yellow lines on the north side of The Green in Deanshanger to prohibit parking at all times and restricted parking at school opening and closing times
  • Re-position the bus stop to the link road that leads up to the main vehicular entrance to the school and build a lay-by for the school bus
  • Build a new road between the school car park entrance and the A422
  • Improve pedestrian access to the school from the bus stop by introducing a footpath.

PSCO Harrison added: “Should these improvements be put in place, there will still need to be greater co-operation on the part of parents who bring their children to school by car.

“A total ban on vehicular access at school times may be considered draconian but any serious incident involving a child would inevitably lead to calls for this course of action.

“These suggestions and concerns are only being voiced to bring this situation to the public’s attention and to encourage dialogue between partners.”

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